Tuesday, December 7, 2010

NBA Game Night


As a huge sports fan, the game always more important than what I’m wearing, but lets be honest ladies, its basketball season, and we want to look good! Basketball games are a little more tricky than football games, you can’t just throw on a jersey! That being said,  lots of us over do it at the game with extra high heels and outfits that are more clubby  and not very appropriate for the game. Were here to watch the game first and foremost right… who am I kidding?!? Not you sassy fashionista, you want to see and be seen and while all that is well and good, lets remember that the sassy fashionista is ALWAYS appropriate first and foremost and were at the game to enjoy a relaxing night, so drop the heels for flats or boots and let your hair down! Here is an easy game night combo with two shoe options for you to try out!


  1. I often see women overdressed for basketball games not only the NBA but at thier child's basketball game as well. The outfit you posted is so much more appropriate and fits the occassion. I love the boots....where can I find them?

  2. Cute look. Where are the boots from?


  3. Thanks guys, you can find those boots on intermix.com
